martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Why do you need Robocop when you have Robocopp?

This is an articulated rubber Robocop bootleg (I'm sorry, the PC term is Robocopp) that was used in Argentina as a way to tell children the drugs are bad. Again, the words "Industria Argentina" (Made in Argentina) are there, but there's no company. In fact, the back of the card is completely blank.

"Robocopp is proud to support the fight against drugs! Join him! Say no to drugs!"

(Note for parents and teachers: If you write with lots of exclamation points, children will listen).

Drugs are bad, stealing a beloved character and avoiding International Copyright laws by changing the name a bit is not. Learn from the best.

This figure is available for trade/sell. If you're interested, mail me:

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